May 2020
Hi friends! With the stay at home orders here in Michigan, I have had to reschedule all of my spring families, and I cannot wait to see them later this summer. But that doesn’t mean that I haven’t been photographing my own family nonstop (bless their hearts!). Trust me, my camera is still getting a workout! I thought it might be fun to pop in and do a little “life lately” post in the meantime.
This quarantine felt rough for the first few weeks. We didn’t have the best weather, and we were going a little “stir crazy”. However, thankfully the weather has started to get so much nicer! That has allowed us to spend much more time outside. The kids have been making lots of fun memories with bubbles, bikes, and ride-on vehicles galore. We have been hiking in the woods behind our house, doing puzzles, and playing games. Alexander has been riding his dirtbike as much as we will let him! And, in other news, Lina’s favorite new thing is to wear rain boots and her brother’s bike helmet all around the house.
Anyway, as I said, I just thought it might be fun to pop in, and share some photos from our last month or so. So here it is, our little family’s “life lately”. Let me know if you like posts like these, maybe I will do them more!

And some notable cell phone shots from the last month.

If you have made it this far, thanks for reading along and checking in. I cannot WAIT to begin scheduling more sessions for my beautiful families, newborns, seniors, and brides starting *HOPEFULLY* very soon! If you have something special coming up, or would just like a session to document your own family, I am only a message away!
You can contact me HERE!